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    Een RPG uit een magisch verleden...

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    Houd je van schrijven? Heb je ook gedagdroomd bij een wereld als die in Harry Potter? Beleef deze wereld, tegen het decor van een industrialiserend Engeland, waar alles mogelijk lijkt te zijn, en misschien ook is...

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    • 'Oh, that must be good tea, then.' You didn't import all the way from China, wherever that was, if it wasn't good. China was far away, as far as she knew, further way than even Italy, so, well, it must be special! 'I must try it then.' Maybe not the minty one, but, well, anything fruit or green would be great regardless, or so she hoped. But, well, Penelope's family did know how to pick out the good stuff, so she would be alright. 'No, we had not,' Fi answered. 'What was your vision for it exactly? A collaboration? Or just inspired by them, somehow?'
    • Yeah, can you imagine if she didn't have her arm-bone anymore? God, that was not a good thought, her life would be ruined. "We'll see. We have a few new ones, but I don't know them from the top of my head. Like a minty... something something? They're good though. The green one is all the way from China, apparently." It was odd for her family to have foreign goods, but the tea was great so perhaps it was worth it. "I just had a dream about the party. What if we arrange something with Carrington carriages? Or did we already talk about that?"
    • 'That's good, at least, because nobody should have to deal with a Healer like that! Honestly, how did they get their degree?' It was something Fiore would never understand. She wasn't someone pursuing a degree anyway, but you'd at least should be able to expect people who did have one to be competent. 'Luckily they were able to fix it, but, god, imagine if they hadn't been able to? You are so lucky!' Pen was someone who tended to be lucky as it was, but still. It send shivers down her spine thinking it could all have been so vastly different! 'Yeah, that sounds good. Let's go! Do you know what tea you would like?'
    • "I think they did." She said, nodding along. "They fixed it but yeah." People always assumed being hard-working and rich meant having no problems! Well, wasn't that a lie? She actually was quite convinced people just had to work harder to get rich, it was their own fault. Their problems would melt away if they just tried. Whereas Penelope's problems were real problems. She couldn't work herself to a kind husband, she had to be lucky most of all. Some people married and then realized what shitty person they married! Her cousin had that with her husband. She still was a little frightened it would happen to her. Men were terrifying creatures, a lot of the time. She just had to get lucky the man would be telling her the truth about his core being.   "Sure! Let's go the hearth at Waker's End."
    • Hij zou mee eten, nou, goed dan. Thorsten keek even toe hoe je jongeman hevig begon te schrijven, maar hij was blij dat hij in ieder geval een beetje thee dronk. Iets kleins. Hm. Hij stond op, begon wat sandwiches klaar te maken. "Wil jij ook?" Vroeg hij aan zijn vrouw, maar ze had waarschijnlijk wel door wat hij aan het doen was. Een plak ham, een plak kaas, goed eten voor iemand die al een poos niks gegeten had. Om een beetje aan te sterken. Toen hij eenmaal genoeg sandwiches had zette hij ze apart op bordjes. Nonchalant liep hij langs Luke. "Hier. Er is nog over dus neem maar." Zei hij. Hij had helemaal geen nood gehad aan sandwiches maar als het er dan toch was aten mensen beter. Mensen being Luke.   Hij zette zich op zijn stoel, begon wat van de broodjes te happen, voor hij ook Luke's hand naar het bord bewegen zag en, zie daar, een broodje in zijn mond stook. Even keek hij zelfgenoegend naar zijn vrouw. Zo. Eten in Luke krijgen, gedaan. Met zijn hand bewoog hij over die van haar. Het ging wel goed met hem komen, wreef hij haar toe. Daar gingen zij samen voor zorgen.
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